„Je messianischer der Jude ist, um so weniger kann er auf sich selbst reflektieren, je christlicher der Christ ist, um so mehr.“ [The more messianic a Jew the less able he is to reflect upon himself; the more Christian a Christian, the more able he is to reflect upon himself].
In Franz Rosenzweig Hermann Cohen has found a close “disciple and an intimate friend” (Alexander Altmann). So the claim goes. Yet does this holy alliance between the two philosophers extend to all areas of thought? This talk seeks to examine this question by turning to Cohen’s and Rosenzweig’s reflections on revelation in Judaism and Christianity.
Alexandra Aidler earned a PhD in German Studies from the University of Konstanz. She is the author of Demokratie und das Göttliche. Das Phänomen der Politischen Romantik [Democracy and the Divine. The Phenomenon of Political Romanticism] and publications on Franz von Baader, Emmanuel Levinas, Gabriel Marcel, Franz Rosenzweig, Friedrich Schlegel and Carl Schmitt.
Lunch will be served. Please rsvp to Kristin Hilgartner