Mohamed Amjahid (Berlin): “When ‘Never Again’ Ends...How White Supremacy is Threatening Democracy in Germany Today”

The talk will be followed by a discussion; lunch will be provided. All welcome.
Cohosted by the Center for German Studies and the European Studies M.A. Program at UVa.
The German political system experienced in the last five years a clear shift to right-wing extremist views and policies. The far right Alternative für Deutschland-party revitalized traditional antisemitic and racist resentments in German institutions (police, army or justice system), society (media, charities or cultural production) and within other political parties represented in the national and regional parliaments. Armed neonazi networks take advantage of this new political atmosphere to show presence and create facts: The expansion of the NSU-network, the terror attack in Munich (2016), the assassination of the local politician Walter Lübcke in the city of Kassel (2019) or the terror attack on Jews and Muslims in the city of Halle (2019).
Vulnerable groups and individuals experience on a daily basis what it means when white supremacy is powerfully reactivated. However, talking about the right extremist threat in Germany today can not focus only on certain political groups and ideologies that are rooted in historical negationism and the delusion of a new, proud and superior Germanness. As many studies, reports and stories show: the problem goes way deeper in Germany.
Mohamed Amjahid is a Moroccan-German journalist, anthropologist and book author. He worked on different topics in the Middle East and French speaking countries as a reporter. In the last five years he focused on studying the German majority society, investigating it’s privileges and radicalization in many spheres of public life.