German@UVa Selected to be Campus Weeks Partner of the Federal Republic of Germany in Fall 2017
German Campus Weeks at UVa (Fall 2017): Tentative Program
1. Exhibition: Germany Integrating Refugees (October 2017, place tba)
2. Film series on Displacement and Belonging (see calendar or contact Paul Dobryden,
3. Lecture series on Sanctuary and Belonging (Oct.23: Nicholas Kristof, New York Times, Nau 101, 5:30-7:00 pm.)
4. Essay contest on the (German) Culture of Welcoming/Willkommenskultur (Oct.-Dec.)
5. Various initiatives relating to the German Federal Elections (Sept. 19-24), including:
- Display of a poster exhibit, comparing the German electoral system to the US system (Nau Hall, Sept. 19-24)
- Interactive quiz challenge. Participation to be awarded with small prizes (Nau Hall, Sept. 19-24).
- Expert panel on the German elections and consequences, depending on the Embassy’s ability to send a speaker (pending)
- Election viewing party, German House@Shea (Sept. 24)
6. Workshop with artist in residence: Imran Ayata (Oct 23-27, or Nov 13-17.)
7. Documentary film screening of Esther Dischereit’s work on Migration and Memory, in conjunction with Virginia Film Festival and Campus Week Film Series (Nov. 9/12)
8. Award ceremony honoring the winners of the university-wide undergraduate prize contest on Willkommnskultur (end of year reception at the beginning of Dec.)
For more information, please contact Manuela Achilles,