Richard J. Evans (U Cambridge): Death in Hamburg Revisited: What Can We Learn from the 1892 Cholera Epidemic?
October 22, 2020
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Center for German Studies webinar with Richard J. Evans (Regius Professor Emeritus of History, University of Cambridge) on Thursday, Oct. 22, at 12:00PM (EST)
The topic of his talk is: "Death in Hamburg Revisited: What can we learn from the 1892 cholera epidemic in the time of coronavirus?"
Christian McMillen (Professor of History and Associate Dean, University of Virginia) will provide comments.
This event is part of a CGS webinar series on Covid-19 in Transatlantic Perspective, cosponsored by the Campus Weeks initiative of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Center for German Studies, the Department of German, and the European Studies Program at the University of Virginia. Organized in collaboration with the VT Department of German.