Sanctuary and Belonging Symposium: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Flight, Refuge, and Community."
8:15 am: Breakfast
9:00 am: Welcome
9:15 am: Keynote Lecture by Julian Nida-Rümelin (University of Munich): “Ethics of Migration”
10:30 am: Panel 1: Literature and Testimony
Rosanne Kennedy (Australian National University): "Reading Redacted Testimony: from Guantanamo Diary to the Nauru Files."
Debjani Ganguly (University of Virginia): “Mediating Testimony: A Sudanese Refugee Story”
Moderator: William Coker
12:00 pm, NCH 149: Lunch and Poster Session: “Transnational Otherness: Refugees and Migrants in Israel and Germany,” by students of Zvi Gilboa (University of Virginia)
1:45 pm, NCH 236: Panel 2: History and Government Policy
Amanda Demmer (Boston College): “The Indochinese Diaspora & Postwar U.S.-Vietnamese Relations”
Andrew Demchuk (American University): “Germans Expelled from Poland After World War II: Sources and Methods”
Carl Bon Tempo (University of Albany): “Cold War Refugees: Writing the History of U.S. Policy”
Moderator: Will Hitchcock (University of Virginia)
3:30-5:00 pm, Monroe Hall 130: Capstone Lecture by Giovanni Peri (University of California at Davis): “Immigration Policies: Economic Opportunity and Political Consequences”
The Sanctuary and Belonging Initiative of the Center for German Studies is co-organized and co-sponsored by the Page Barbour Fund of the College of Arts and Sciences, Center for Global Inquity and Innovation, Department of Economics, Center for Global Health, Jewish Studies Program, Miller Center, and Global Policy Center.
For more information, please contact Manuela Achilles,